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臺大推廣部「顧客導向的數位行銷研習班」 充實我的專業知識,成就我的事業藍圖

/臺大推廣部顧客導向的數位行銷研習班第2期學員 柯學甫

After finishing the last class, I really wished it had been longer, got a lot of information from the past few months, and there are all very practical and useful.
I founded my business the revolution1st.com totally online. Not long after I finish the class, it's a non- profit organization, promoting peace and humanity; right now I am concentrating on the topic of interreligious dialogue. Oh before I forget, the reason why this review is in English is because I grew up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I went to an American school. My Chinese typing is very bad, please forget me, and sorry for the inconvenience.

The classes really has helped me a lot starting my own business, it taught me how to attract the right customer, how to target them, how to position myself, and most of all, engage and analyze. Both teachers gave us many tools and references on both creative and practical side. I found them extremely useful, and I must have tried every single one of them. They not only work great, also very interesting to see the outcome. I love the technical side of digital marketing as well, the class taught us how to process marketing with scientific prove. It really gives me confidence as a new business owner. Everything makes sense, if you just follow the formula, it definitely help you see the big picture. Success is no longer a mystery anymore, you can see what you are doing right, and what you are doing wrong. It makes it much easier to fix the problem while managing a business when you can see it.

I would have to say online marketing is a must have skill for this generation. If you are a business owner, this skill could mean the life and death. If you are a salesmen, this course will step up your game. To me this course was all or nothing. Let me tell you why.

I didn't have a business before going in this course. I was working as a marketing director for a company. I had no marketing experience, I just read a lot of marketing books, and I guess I had the natural talent for it. Before that, I was an audio engineer for 7 years. It was my interest. So why did I step out into something totally unknown to me? “Dissatisfaction” I didn't want to grow old doing the same thing everyday, I also want to step up my game, makes a difference. So I started this organization helping the world to resolve conflicts. How? You might ask? Conflicts are usually generated by differences. What are the main difference you and I? Now, no much, I am the writer you are the reader. With this small difference, you can very much disagree or criticize what I have to say. Just because I am the writer and you are the reader. What if our differences gaps are larger than between writers and readers? What if I am from another city, other country, another nationality, or another religion? The prejudice forms naturally. Because we are human, we pre judge everything, that's how our mind programs to work. A lot of misunderstanding leads to separation of human race, or war.

My organization do no make a profit, but I've used all the tools and skilled the class have taught me with online social media, websites, blogs I can reach my audience, to engage them and to analyze my progress. To me analyzing is very important to my business. It marks a milestone, makes me see the progress. Why is that important? Sometimes when the goals you have are very far from now. It's easy to lose track or get discouraged when nothing seen to be happening. This is when you can go back and look at the analyzation, and see how far you have come. See your progresses in small “victories” you've made. To me it really helps.

So to sum up, would I recommend this class to anyone? My answer is Yes and No.
Yes if you are serious about your business, and you are willing to do anything for the future. No, if you are happy where you are, and don't want to changes. Some improvement I would like to see in the future classes is that I would love to see more detail focused guidelines, more implementation work that students can apply in the “real world”, but that's just me. You have already given so much, thank you National Taiwan University for offering this great course, makes me forever in your debt.





